Telus Livestream moves to new Channel
Our livestreamed masses from St. Joseph's Basilica will now be found on Channel 877 on Telus Optik TV.
Our livestreamed masses from St. Joseph's Basilica will now be found on Channel 877 on Telus Optik TV.
We want to hear from you!
Do you have a local news story, parish or community event, or comment about the WINDOW e-newsletter? Send your news stories, events and comments to the communications team by email or use the online form at Event or program information can be submitted as JPEG or PDF ads / posters, or as text in an email or Word file. Note: If you are submitting a JPEG or PDF, consider leaving out the phone / email / website from your ad. We we will include this information as "clickable" links, to make it easy for people to connect with you. Deadline for submission: Tuesday @ 4:00 p.m. |
Do you have a Loved One in Hospital?
When you can't visit the hospital, here's a link by which you can send well wishes to patients. Your kind words of encouragement will be delivered by the volunteers of Alberta Health Services and Covenant Health facilities.
When you can't visit the hospital, here's a link by which you can send well wishes to patients. Your kind words of encouragement will be delivered by the volunteers of Alberta Health Services and Covenant Health facilities.
The Archdiocese has been receiving reports of email scammers targeting our parishioners once again. These emails look like they come from a pastor, because the scammers have created fake Gmail accounts in the pastor's name. Typically, they ask the recipient to purchase gift cards for someone in need. Please be assured that our priests NEVER email their parishioners to ask for money or gift cards. If you receive such an email, we encourage you to report it to the
Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (online or at 1-888-495-8501).
Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (online or at 1-888-495-8501).
June Financial Report
The annual Together We Serve appeal has reached 44% of its goal, raising $673,228. That puts the campaign about $6,000 ahead of where it was this time last year. Most of our beneficiaries will be receiving their first disbursement before the end of July (the cheque is in the mail!). Congratulations to these three parishes that have already achieved their 2024 target: Queen of Martyrs-Edmonton (131%), St. Margaret-Rimbey (101%) and Lac Ste. Anne (100%). Three other parishes have achieved at least 80% of their targets: Corpus Christi-Consort (92%), Our Lady of Assumption-Sylvan Lake (90%), and Our Lady of Peace-Innisfail (83%). How is your parish doing? Check the TWS June 2024 report (attached) to find out. Any questions or concerns, contact Alana at 780-446-9009 or email [email protected]. |
2023 Annual Report now online!
The first Annual Report since 2018 is now online. Click the button below to view or download the report. The report is a "numbers and narrative" report on Archdiocesan activities in 2023. Complete financial reports for 2018-2023 can be found on the CAEDM website. We are printing a limited number of hardcopies, which should be available by the end of July. |
National Indigenous Peoples Day June 21
On June 21, for National Indigenous Peoples Day, we recognize and celebrate the history, heritage, resilience and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis across Canada. Candida Shepherd, a proud Metis woman and parishioner and volunteer at Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples, shares what her heritage means to her.
On June 21, for National Indigenous Peoples Day, we recognize and celebrate the history, heritage, resilience and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis across Canada. Candida Shepherd, a proud Metis woman and parishioner and volunteer at Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples, shares what her heritage means to her.
regformsumretreat2024__1_.pdf |
Ordination to the priesthood
Jake Mullin is a seminarian studying for the Archdiocese of Edmonton. He is originally from Leduc.
His Ordination to the Ministerial Priesthood will take place on Thursday, June 13 at 7 p.m. at
St. Joseph's Basilica. The Mass will be livestreamed on YouTube and Facebook.
Jake Mullin is a seminarian studying for the Archdiocese of Edmonton. He is originally from Leduc.
His Ordination to the Ministerial Priesthood will take place on Thursday, June 13 at 7 p.m. at
St. Joseph's Basilica. The Mass will be livestreamed on YouTube and Facebook.
To the end of May, Together We Serve has raised $574,370 – 37% of its goal (that's up from 29% at the end of April). Thank you!
Two parishes have already achieved their 2024 targets: Queen of Martyrs (131%) and Lac Ste. Anne (100%). Four other parishes have achieved at least 75% of their targets: St. Margaret-Rimby (94%), Corpus Christi-Consort (92%), Our Lady of Assumption-Sylvan Lake (88%), and Our Lady of Peace-Innisfail (75%). Congratulations to all! How is your parish doing? Download the May report to find out. |
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2024 Clergy Transfers and Assignments
With gratitude for the work of the Clergy Personnel Committee, I am pleased to announce the following appointments in the Archdiocese of Edmonton, which take effect on July 17, 2024 (unless otherwise noted). I extend deep gratitude to the Clergy of the Archdiocese for their ministry, and welcome those whom will be assuming new responsibilities. May God bless you as you generously and joyfully carry out your vocation; and may your dedication be a witness for those discerning their vocation. I also wish to extend profound thanks to those who will be departing our Archdiocese. You have enriched the lives of the faithful here, and we will hold you in our prayers as you embark on your new pastoral assignment. I ask the people in parishes where changes are taking place to extend a warm welcome to their new pastoral leaders, and offer prayers for those who will depart. Finally, I ask that the faithful to pray for vocations to the priesthood. ✠ Archbishop Richard Smith |
2024 Clergy Transfers and Assignments |
Hope & Dignity
Did you know…
**Ipsos (for Dying with Dignity Canada). Support for Medically Assisted Dying in Canada, June 30, 2023. Thankfully, these numbers were not reflected in our own online survey completed late last year. In that survey, 76% of respondents agreed with Church teaching and were against euthanasia and assisted suicide. Read the Survey Results. |
Clearly, however, most Catholics don’t know (or don’t care) what the Church teaches about euthanasia and/or don’t know where to find that information – especially when suddenly faced with the issue in their own lives.
The Hope & Dignity website was created to provide answers to common questions about Catholic teaching and other relevant topics. In the last 30 days, the website has been visited over 1,300 times by almost 900 different users from Canada (most), United States, Australia, and at least eight other countries. Clearly, people are looking for this information and Hope & Dignity is the most comprehensive and user-friendly source for Catholics in Canada and beyond! If we hope to equip Catholics to be good witnesses, we need to share the hope and dignity offered by Jesus Christ to those who are suffering and dying. |
URGENT need for those living in Arctic Canada
This year, 2024 has turned into a huge financial struggle for the “North of 60 Project” and with a dramatic logistics challenge. The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul has worked successfully over the last 14 years, building our food security support from one to the current nine Arctic communities. Donated transport logistics from Edmonton and Calgary to assist those living in the Canadian Arctic has made our project feasible. Visit the website
On May 9th, 2024, the Marine Services of the Northwest Territories Government advised that the 2024 river barge from Hay River to Tuktoyaktuk will be cancelled because of historically low water levels on the Mackenzie River, causing the river to be non-navigable.
For this reason, our previously donated transportation costs for each of the 20ft sea containers will now cost ~$16,000 each to truck to the Port of Tuktoyaktuk. This change results in an estimated $150,000 in unbudgeted expense to move the nine seacans to Tuktoyaktuk. Anything you can do to help offset some of this financial shortfall will allow us to continue with food security for those living in need in Arctic Canada. Thank you for your anticipated support. |
Lac Ste Anne Pilgrimage July 20-25
We look forward to welcoming you again to the Lac Ste. Anne Pilgrimage on July 20-25, 2024
Each July, thousands of pilgrims make their way to the shores of Lac Ste Anne. Many come in search of healing and spiritual renewal. |
Some simply come to reconnect with old acquaintances and forge new friendships.
This pilgrimage, which began over a hundred years ago, has become the largest annual Catholic gathering in Western Canada. |
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Congratulations to John Vizza on his ordination as a deacon for the Ukrainian Eparchy of Edmonton!
Deacon John Vizza is an instructing judge for marriage nullity cases in the Interdiocesan Tribunal of Edmonton. He also assists pro tem as the Intake Coordinator for the Safe Environments portfolio.He has a similar portfolio at the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton, where he works two days a week. God Bless Deacon John, his wife Rebecca and their family! Email Deacon John |
Lac Ste Anne Pilgrimage July 20-25
We look forward to welcoming you again to the Lac Ste. Anne Pilgrimage on July 20-25, 2024
Each July, thousands of pilgrims make their way to the shores of Lac Ste Anne. Many come in search of healing and spiritual renewal. Some simply come to reconnect with old acquaintances and forge new friendships.
This pilgrimage, which began over a hundred years ago, has become the largest annual Catholic gathering in Western Canada.
We look forward to welcoming you again to the Lac Ste. Anne Pilgrimage on July 20-25, 2024
Each July, thousands of pilgrims make their way to the shores of Lac Ste Anne. Many come in search of healing and spiritual renewal. Some simply come to reconnect with old acquaintances and forge new friendships.
This pilgrimage, which began over a hundred years ago, has become the largest annual Catholic gathering in Western Canada.
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Ordination to the Diaconate
Let us pray in thanksgiving for the upcoming Diaconate Ordination of John Vizza.
JOHN JUDE VIZZA will be ordained to the Subdiaconate at the Divine Liturgy on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at 7:30 a.m., at Saint Josaphat Cathedral (Edmonton), and to the Diaconate at the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, May 12, 2024, at 1 p.m., at St. Sophia Church Township Road 530 (Baseline) and RR 224, Sherwood Park. On the evening of Saturday, May 11, 2024, Vespers will be celebrated at 6 p.m. at St. Sophia Church. All are welcome! Refreshments will be served in the Parish Hall following the Ordination and Liturgy.
Please RSVP to John Vizza by email or call 780-901-7238 (text).
JOHN JUDE VIZZA will be ordained to the Subdiaconate at the Divine Liturgy on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at 7:30 a.m., at Saint Josaphat Cathedral (Edmonton), and to the Diaconate at the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, May 12, 2024, at 1 p.m., at St. Sophia Church Township Road 530 (Baseline) and RR 224, Sherwood Park. On the evening of Saturday, May 11, 2024, Vespers will be celebrated at 6 p.m. at St. Sophia Church. All are welcome! Refreshments will be served in the Parish Hall following the Ordination and Liturgy.
Please RSVP to John Vizza by email or call 780-901-7238 (text).
From May 5-10, we celebrate Catholic Education Week in Alberta, the Yukon, and Northwest Territories. Archbishop Smith is the Catholic Education liaison on behalf of his brother bishops. The theme for Catholic Education Week 2024, “Courage to Lead,” reminds us of the call and the responsibility to live and uphold the teachings of our Catholic faith, even amidst the challenges of the world around us.
Alberta March for Life
Our Theme is “We Have A Dream:Protect All Life!” based on 1 Corinthians 13:7 On Thursday, May 9, join thousands of students, families, and Canadians from all walks of life as we gather at the Alberta Legislature in Edmonton for the 2024 Alberta March for Life. Together let us remind our elected officials to always protect the vulnerable. |
Pro-Life Mass - 10 a.m., St. Joseph's Basilica
Rally and March - 12 - 2 p.m., Alberta Legislature Pro-Life Apologetics - 3-5 p.m., Polish Hall The Rose Dinner - 6 - 9 p.m., Polish Hall |
53rd International Eucharistic Congress
What are International Eucharistic Congresses?
They are an expression of a particular veneration and love of the Universal Church for the Eucharistic Mystery, source of fraternity and peace.An International Eucharistic Congress aims to make known, love and better serve Our Lord Jesus Christ in his Eucharistic Mystery, the centre of life and the mission to heal the wounds of the world.
The 2024 Eucharistic Congress will be held in Quito, Ecuador, from September 8-15.
What are International Eucharistic Congresses?
They are an expression of a particular veneration and love of the Universal Church for the Eucharistic Mystery, source of fraternity and peace.An International Eucharistic Congress aims to make known, love and better serve Our Lord Jesus Christ in his Eucharistic Mystery, the centre of life and the mission to heal the wounds of the world.
The 2024 Eucharistic Congress will be held in Quito, Ecuador, from September 8-15.
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World Day of Prayer for Vocations
On Sunday, April 21 we celebrate the 61st World Day of Prayer for Vocations. We are thankful to all those who answer God’s call. We are sharing two talks, one by Fr. Kris Schmidt – Archdiocese of Edmonton vocations director – and Dr. Ryan and Fr. Kris Topping, author of Meet Our New Priests, a vocations study by the Benedict XVI Institute at Newman Theological College. Both Fr. Kris and Dr. Topping were presenters at the All Hands-on Deck Archdiocesan vocations rally in February.
Archbishop's Homily: Third Sunday of Lent
Lent is an occasion to confront honestly how we may be squandering our God-given time in ways contrary to the priorities God establishes for its expenditure. Yet it is also a holy season in which we can bring our mis-use of time to the mercy of God for cleansing and renewal. |
Archbishop's Homily: Second Sunday of Lent
The greatest reminder of God’s love is given in the Eucharist, the sacrament we celebrate in memory of Jesus. Here is rendered present the sacrifice at Calvary of the Son of God made flesh, offered as the supreme manifestation of the love of both Father and Son for us all. |
Click image above to go to website
Archbishop's Homily
Daily we are in contact with a culture that suffers from self-assertion and self-reliance, making it also easy to “catch” our world’s surrender to the temptation not to trust God. At the outset of Lent, our call is to face this temptation and others that flow from it, and ask the Lord to enable us to resist and overcome them by our faith in him and the power of his love. |
Archbishop's Homily
Let’s pray for the grace this Lent for hearts that are truly selfless, and ask the Lord to show us how we might give ourselves in sacrifice to serve no longer our own interests but henceforward the needs of others. |
CCCB Lenten Video Series
As we journey through Lent 2024, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has provided a video reflection series in English and French. In the English version, Bishop Stephen Hero of Prince Albert, Sask. provides a reflection on prayer, fasting and almsgiving. On the First Sunday of Lent, Bishop Hero provides a reflection on God’s promise to Noah and Jesus’ invitation to enter into a new covenant. |
Development and Peace–Caritas Canada supports rural populations in the Global South in defending their rights to life, land, water, biodiversity, justice, health, participation, decent livelihoods, a healthy environment and more.
Find out more at:
Find out more at:
- National Campaign Launch SATURDAY, FEB. 16, 11:30 a.m. MT
- Alberta/NWT Online Workshop (Choice of two dates and times) SATURDAY, FEB. 24, 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 MT or MONDAY, FEB. 26, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Archbishop's Homily: 'All Hands On Deck'
Our world today finds itself before just that: a crisis so pressing that it demands everyone work together to face and overcome it. It is a crisis of hope. The one sure answer to that crisis is Jesus Christ and the light he brings, the light he is. It falls to all of us, as members of his Body, to make him known. So, the call of the Church to each and every one of us is: All hands on deck! |
Archbishop's Homily: 'Come and See' Weekend
Do not be afraid of the Lord’s summons. Trust in his love for you. He knows the path that is best for each of us, and unfailingly provides all the gifts needed for the task to which he calls. Above all, he provides us with the gift of himself, here in the Eucharist. |
Called to Protect training
Called to Protect training, an abuse prevention training session will be offered on
Monday February 12, 2024, from 7–9:30 p.m.
The two and half-hour session is mandatory for all Clergy, Employees,
and Volunteers of the Archdiocese who have not yet participated in this training.
This will be a zoom session open for all. Please register.
Called to Protect training, an abuse prevention training session will be offered on
Monday February 12, 2024, from 7–9:30 p.m.
The two and half-hour session is mandatory for all Clergy, Employees,
and Volunteers of the Archdiocese who have not yet participated in this training.
This will be a zoom session open for all. Please register.
Archbishop's Homily: Word of God Sunday
God is calling us anew to allow His Word to be transmitted through the authentic witness of our lives. Let’s not hesitate or delay. Let’s not be afraid. The world needs the message of the Gospel, and there is nothing more exciting or purposeful than to have a share in its transmission. |
Called to Protect Training
Called to Protect, an abuse prevention training session will be offered on Wednesday Jan 31, 2024, 1 pm. The 2 1/2-hour session is mandatory for all Clergy, Employees and Volunteers of the Archdiocese who have not yet participated in this training. This will be a zoom session open for all.
Please register.
Called to Protect, an abuse prevention training session will be offered on Wednesday Jan 31, 2024, 1 pm. The 2 1/2-hour session is mandatory for all Clergy, Employees and Volunteers of the Archdiocese who have not yet participated in this training. This will be a zoom session open for all.
Please register.
MAiD Survey Results
Thank you to everyone who responded to our MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) survey. We received more than 700 responses. It shows there is great concern over assisted suicide and its expansion. Your responses were very personal. Many shared the helplessness they feel when a loved one is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Others felt at peace knowing that the Lord was accompanying them in difficult times. Still others want our Church leaders to take a more active stance against MAiD. As Catholics, we uphold the dignity of all human life, from conception to natural death. Our secular world threatens this. |
As Catholics, we uphold the dignity of all human life, from conception to natural death. Our secular world threatens this.
The Archdiocese is developing an action plan based on the survey results, and we look forward to sharing the action plan with you in the coming weeks. We hope that you review the full summary of this survey as it provides great insights into a topic that touches everyone. For questions regarding the survey results, please email [email protected].
Homily: 'Come and see' This leads to a complete change in their life plan
By offering his life on the Cross as the sacrificial Lamb, the Lamb of God, Jesus has re-routed all of humanity toward himself, who alone can set our life course in the direction of our heavenly destination. |
The 2023 Together We Serve campaign has officially closed, raising $1,495,585 of its $1.6 million "aspirational" goal and almost 100% of its parish targets. If your parish beat its target by more than 100%, you are eligible for a rebate. However, rebates will NOT be automatic this year...
St. Josephine Bakhita: Forgiveness After Slavery
Join Archbishop Smith for a discussion about why the Catholic Church canonizes saints, the story of St. Josephine Bakhita, how the grace of God can transform trauma and abuse into healing and forgiveness, and how we can bring heroic forgiveness into our own lives. In 2024, all new episodes will be released every second Tuesday. We’re excited to share the topics that His Grace will address.
Join Archbishop Smith for a discussion about why the Catholic Church canonizes saints, the story of St. Josephine Bakhita, how the grace of God can transform trauma and abuse into healing and forgiveness, and how we can bring heroic forgiveness into our own lives. In 2024, all new episodes will be released every second Tuesday. We’re excited to share the topics that His Grace will address.
Vocations Rally, Feb. 2: 'All Hands on Deck'
Our Church is facing a crisis of vocations. Together, how can we strengthen the future of the Church? Join us for our Archdiocesan Vocations Rally, hosted by the Benedict XVI Institute of Newman Theological College and the Archdiocese of Edmonton. Come learn how to build a culture of vocation, whether you are discerning a religious vocation or not. Archbishop Smith will celebrate Mass before the rally. |
Homily: Second Sunday of Advent/Pastoral Visit to Sacred Heart parish, Red Deer
The question, “how are the roads?”, also arises from the Scripture passages. There, the question pertains to the “highways” along which the Lord comes to meet us, and those over which we travel to follow him. These, too, must be kept free from hazards so the journey will unfold in safety and peace. |
Third Sunday of Advent video
Mackenzie-Fort Smith Bishop Jon Hansen and Msgr. Alain Faubert, Auxiliary Bishop of Montréal, each provide a reflection on joy and witness. The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops presents Journey through Advent, a series of video reflections on the Scriptures for the Sundays of Advent 2023.
Mackenzie-Fort Smith Bishop Jon Hansen and Msgr. Alain Faubert, Auxiliary Bishop of Montréal, each provide a reflection on joy and witness. The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops presents Journey through Advent, a series of video reflections on the Scriptures for the Sundays of Advent 2023.
The entire Archdiocese of Edmonton is invited to join us for our Archdiocesan Vocations Rally, hosted by the Benedict XVI Institute and the Archdiocese of Edmonton. Bring as many people from your parish as you can. All are welcome!
It will be an evening of information and fellowship to learn about the state of priestly vocations in Canada, to hear the testimonies of priests and religious sisters from our Archdiocese and work together for the strengthening of our Church, through vocations.
Come learn how to build a culture of vocation, whether you are discerning a religious vocation or not. We need all hands on deck.
It will be an evening of information and fellowship to learn about the state of priestly vocations in Canada, to hear the testimonies of priests and religious sisters from our Archdiocese and work together for the strengthening of our Church, through vocations.
Come learn how to build a culture of vocation, whether you are discerning a religious vocation or not. We need all hands on deck.
Homily: First Sunday of Advent/Pastoral Visit to St. Francis Xavier parish, Camrose
St. Francis Xavier was a missionary in a foreign culture. Increasingly, that is what it feels like – that is what it is! – to be a follower of Jesus Christ in our day, even within our own cities and country. The steady encroachment of secularization pushes faith to the margins, even at times off the page of awareness altogether. |
As we near the feasts of the Immaculate Conception (Dec. 8) and Our Lady of Guadalupe (Dec. 12), join Archbishop Smith for a discussion about his own Marian devotion, the significance of Guadalupe to Truth and Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and the theology of the Immaculate Conception.
Second Sunday of Advent video
Bishop Jon Hansen provides a reflection on St. John the Baptist and hope. The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops presents Journey through Advent, reflections on the Scriptures for the Sundays of Advent 2023. |
Read more
As November – the Month of Souls – comes to a close, Archbishop Smith speaks about the Church’s teaching on praying for the dead, indulgences, purgatory, and the importance of the ministry that our Catholic cemeteries offer |
Join Archbishop Smith as he shares about Advent as a season of penitence, the purpose of the liturgical year vs. the secular year, Advent as a season to shake us out of our apathy, and the fourth Sunday of Advent coinciding with Christmas Eve this year.
Survey on Medical Assistance in Dying
The Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton invites you to participate in a survey on MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying).
We want to understand the general sentiments of Catholics on this very important topic.
Your responses will assist us in understanding the lived experience, determining our future course of action, and addressing concerns of Catholics.
Thank you for your time, and let us join in prayer for the dignity of human life.
The Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton invites you to participate in a survey on MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying).
We want to understand the general sentiments of Catholics on this very important topic.
Your responses will assist us in understanding the lived experience, determining our future course of action, and addressing concerns of Catholics.
Thank you for your time, and let us join in prayer for the dignity of human life.
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Newman Theological College Open House
Check out the Bachelor of Arts in Catholic Studies at our Open House on Thursday, November 30. The Open House will begin with a Program Info Session from 4 - 5:30 PM followed by a pizza supper and movie night with our current students. Registration is required for this event. Please register by November 27. |
Join Archbishop Smith as he talks about why Pope Francis instituted the annual World Day of the Poor, the Book of Tobit that the Holy Father wants us to reflect upon, and what it means when Catholic social teaching references “preferential option for the poor.”
Join Archbishop Smith and Fr. Cristino Bouvette from the Diocese of Calgary as they discuss the Indigenous ritual of smudging, human culture within Catholic liturgy, the virtue of patriotism and more. Fr. Cristino is of Metis and Cree ancestry and he was the liturgical director for the 2022 visit of Pope Francis to Canada.
Synod of Bishops Releases Synthesis Report
Why are Catholic schools important?
Join Archbishop Smith and teacher Brett Fawcett for a discussion about publicly-funded Catholic schools, the role of teachers, parents, and more! |
St. Gregory the Great parish in Holden to close
31 October 2023
Appears in: Archdiocesan News With great sadness, the Archdiocese of Edmonton accepts the decision of the St. Gregory the Great community to close the Catholic parish in the village of Holden. The parish community is very fraternal and faith-filled. However, in the last few years, the population of Holden and surrounding area has dwindled and that has affected Mass attendance, which ranges from 14 to 16 to as low as 10 people. Holden is located about 32 kilometres southeast of Vegreville. |
St. Gregory parish held three meetings, with roughly 20 people in attendance at each meeting, to determine its future. The cost to renovate the church is estimated at $225,000. In addition, the high insurance and utility costs made the future of the church untenable.
After weighing all options, on Aug. 19 of this year, the parish community presented Archbishop Richard Smith with a proposal to close the church. The future of the church building will be decided at a later date. |
In gratitude and honour of St. Gregory the Great parish, Archbishop Smith will celebrate a final Mass on Nov. 11 at 5 p.m. Parishioners, their families and community members are invited to attend Mass, with a potluck dinner to follow. All are welcome. Several former pastors of St. Gregory will be in attendance.
Oct. 27 is to be a Day of Fasting, Penance and Prayer
His Holiness, Pope Francis has declared that Friday, October 27, is to be a day of fasting, penance and prayer for peace in the world. The Holy Father invited, "the various Christian confessions, members of other religious, and all who hold the cause of peace in the world at heart to participate." A vigil will take place at 6 p.m. Rome time in St. Peter's Square, where an hour of prayer in a spirit of penance to implore peace in our time, in this world. "Our thoughts turn to Palestine and Israel. The number of victims is rising and the situation in Gaza is desperate," the Pope continued. "Please, let everything possible be done to avoid a humanitarian disaster."
His Holiness, Pope Francis has declared that Friday, October 27, is to be a day of fasting, penance and prayer for peace in the world. The Holy Father invited, "the various Christian confessions, members of other religious, and all who hold the cause of peace in the world at heart to participate." A vigil will take place at 6 p.m. Rome time in St. Peter's Square, where an hour of prayer in a spirit of penance to implore peace in our time, in this world. "Our thoughts turn to Palestine and Israel. The number of victims is rising and the situation in Gaza is desperate," the Pope continued. "Please, let everything possible be done to avoid a humanitarian disaster."
Answering Listener Questions
Join Archbishop Smith as he takes questions from viewers. |
Border Lines
Join Alberta Court of Appeal Justice Kevin Feehan and Archbishop Smith as they discuss whether human rights are man-made or God-given, collective versus individual rights, the history of religious freedom in Canada, the experience of being a Catholic judge in the Canadian judicial system and the difference between American and Canadian approaches to the church-state relationship. |
New Camp Director
The Archdiocese is excited to announce the hiring of Cody Parr as director of Our Lady of Victory Camp. Cody is a parishioner at St. Charles Parish in Edmonton. Please view this thank-you video to those who helped make the 2023 summer camps possible. It's also an invitation to OLVC's Virtual General Meeting on Saturday, November 4 at 7pm on Zoom. |
Called to Protect Training
Called to Protect training, an abuse prevention training session will be offered on Monday October 30, 2023, 7 pm to 9:30 pm. The two-and-a-half hour session is mandatory for all clergy,employees and volunteers of the Archdiocese. This will be a Zoom session open for all. Please register.
Called to Protect training, an abuse prevention training session will be offered on Monday October 30, 2023, 7 pm to 9:30 pm. The two-and-a-half hour session is mandatory for all clergy,employees and volunteers of the Archdiocese. This will be a Zoom session open for all. Please register.
Worried About The Synod
Join Archbishop Smith as he directly addresses the concerns that have brought up about the Synod, skepticism about the intentions of Pope Francis, the history of Synodality, the media's interpretation of the Synod and his personal experience as a delegate for the 2015 Synod on the Family. Archbishop Smith is also joined by Dr. Eugenia Pagnotta-Kowalczyk, Synod coordinator for the Archdiocese. |
WoD Event link
Heading in the right direction!
Together We Serve is inching ever closer to the
$1 million mark, adding almost $100,000 to its total since last month. Thank you! It is gratifying to see parish giving recovering after the impact of the pandemic response in 2020-2022 (see chart below).
Congratulations to St. Edmund parish for becoming the eighth member of the 100%+ Club, reaching 103% of its $18,000 target in September!
Together We Serve is inching ever closer to the
$1 million mark, adding almost $100,000 to its total since last month. Thank you! It is gratifying to see parish giving recovering after the impact of the pandemic response in 2020-2022 (see chart below).
Congratulations to St. Edmund parish for becoming the eighth member of the 100%+ Club, reaching 103% of its $18,000 target in September!
Join Archbishop Smith on this week's podcast to discuss episodes in Scripture where Jesus gives "evasive" answers to difficult questions and the ethics of how Christian leaders can engage with challenging questions from the news media.
Pope Francis releases new apostolic exhortation on climate change, "Laudate Deum."
Dying For Your Faith: A Discussion on Martyrdom
Join Archbishop Smith for a discussion about martyrdom, the portrayal of martyrdom in the Martin Scorsese film Silence, the saints who died for Canadian Catholic Church, the moral dilemmas that come with facing death and religious persecution, the idea of "white martyrdom," and much more. |
National Truth and Reconciliation Day, Sept. 30
National Truth and Reconciliation Day provides each one of us an opportunity for prayerful reflection to learn, reflect and act in our ongoing journey of healing, reconciliation and hope. |
Called to Protect: Wednesday, Oct. 11 Online via Zoom
Called to Protect training, an abuse prevention training session will be offered on Wednesday, October 11, 1:00 to 3:30 pm. The two-and-half-hour session is mandatory for all clergy, employees and volunteers of the Archdiocese.
Called to Protect training, an abuse prevention training session will be offered on Wednesday, October 11, 1:00 to 3:30 pm. The two-and-half-hour session is mandatory for all clergy, employees and volunteers of the Archdiocese.
Will and Estate Planning for Every Age
Tuesday, Oct. 17, 12 p.m. Web Ex event You should have a will at any age. Why? Join us for an insightful discussion on the essential components of creating a will, naming of executors, powers of attorney and tax implications. Space is limited. Please register by Oct. 12. |
Is the Catholic Church the one, true Church? wounds of unity, and pluralism
Join Archbishop Richard Smith for a discussion about what the Catholic Church teaches about being the “one, true religion,” Christian dialogue, the idea of praying that all Christians would be “one,” and how religion stands in a pluralistic society. |
Caritas Canada relief efforts in Morocco
Caritas Canada has a network of allies in the Maghreb, in Tunisia and in Morocco. Our allies and partners in Morocco know the disaster-affected areas well and have access to them. They are capable of handling the present situation, and their work will have positive impacts on the lives of the earthquake survivors, and for Moroccan society as a whole. They are already there, working without fear or favour.
Caritas Canada has a network of allies in the Maghreb, in Tunisia and in Morocco. Our allies and partners in Morocco know the disaster-affected areas well and have access to them. They are capable of handling the present situation, and their work will have positive impacts on the lives of the earthquake survivors, and for Moroccan society as a whole. They are already there, working without fear or favour.
Called to Protect
Monday September 25, 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm via Zoom Called to Protect training, an abuse prevention training session. The two and half session is mandatory for all volunteers and employees of the Archdiocese. This will be zoom session open for all. Please register. Please register. Registration |
Evaluation |
Priests' Annual Retreat
This past week, priests from all over our Archdiocese gathered in Kananaskis for their annual retreat with Archbishop Smith. Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop Emeritus of Toronto and former Archbishop of Edmonton (1999-2006), was the retreat leader this year. His presence was particularly meaningful for many of our priests, who journeyed closely with Cardinal Collins as a friend and a mentor in their years prior to ordination.
This past week, priests from all over our Archdiocese gathered in Kananaskis for their annual retreat with Archbishop Smith. Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop Emeritus of Toronto and former Archbishop of Edmonton (1999-2006), was the retreat leader this year. His presence was particularly meaningful for many of our priests, who journeyed closely with Cardinal Collins as a friend and a mentor in their years prior to ordination.
We have officially launched an Upfront with the Archbishop YouTube channel!
Starting today, September 12, all our future shows will be available to watch on video. Now you’ll be able to see Archbishop Smith speak every week in our new studio, and more easily share clips of the show. |
World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Sept. 24
“Free to choose whether to migrate or to stay” is the theme chosen by the Holy Father for the 109th World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR), which this year is commemorated on 24 September 2023. In his message, Pope Francis proposes a renewed reflection on a right that has not yet been codified at the international level: the right not to have to migrate or, in other words, the right to be able to remain in one’s own land. |
We have officially launched an Upfront with the Archbishop YouTube channel!
Starting next week, September 12, all our future shows will be available to watch on video. Now you’ll be able to see Archbishop Smith speak every week in our new studio, and more easily share clips of the show.
Starting next week, September 12, all our future shows will be available to watch on video. Now you’ll be able to see Archbishop Smith speak every week in our new studio, and more easily share clips of the show.
The Idol of Comfort and the Allure of Materialism
Join Archbishop Smith for a conversation about consumerism, finding our identity in comfort, the ideology of materialism and how to approach our relationship with the material world. |
Just Five More Minutes: God is good, God is real and God loves you
Mike Landry has spent more than 25 years trying to share the truth, beauty, and goodness of the Catholic faith.
He is the division chaplain for Evergreen Catholic Schools, and the camp coordinator for Our Lady of Victory Camp, |
Mike Landry 's introductory Just Five More Minutes video for the 2023-24 school year hammers home three key things that – if we understood them – would have a big impact on our faith life
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Our Deceased Priests
We pray in a special way for all our priests who have died in the month of September.
We pray in a special way for all our priests who have died in the month of September.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen |
September 1, 1925 Rev. William O’FARRELL September 1, 1999 Rev. Gary LEE September 4, 2015 Rt. Rev. Felix OTTERSON September 9, 2012 Rev. Louis SERATTO September 10, 1995 Rev. Augustine D. MacLELLAN September 15, 1989 |
Rev. John Louis STACEY September 17, 1935
Rev. James RIETMEIJER September 19, 1989 Rev. Emile COULOMBE Sep. 20, 1926 Rev. Guy CARRIERE September 20, 2014 Rev. Michael MIREAU September 22, 2014 Rev. Francis D. GILLIS September 27, 1973 |
Certificate for Leaders in Catholic Youth Ministry
Web link
Nov. 4 - Are We Singing from the Same Hymn Sheet?
Dec. 2 - Sacred Music for the Next Millennium For more information contact Roderick Bryce at [email protected] To register contact Teresa Jarvis at [email protected] The workshops are led by Roderick Bryce; Director of Music, St Joseph’s Cathedral-Basilica and faculty member of Newman Theological College |
Sacred Music workshops for Clergy & Parish Musicians
This course is open to anyone with an interest in sacred music, but will be most useful to all those involved in parish liturgies. These workshops tackle both the principles of sacred music and the practical application of authentic sacred music through lectures, seminars and singing sessions. Sept. 30 - Sung Theology: Sanctification Through Glorification |
Web link |
Stay tuned for ways to support wildfire evacuees!
As fires in Alberta, especially in our northern regions, continue to burn, please pray for everyone who is suffering and displaced. As information becomes available, we will keep you informed about ways in which our Catholic community is offering support to those in need. Stay tuned.
As fires in Alberta, especially in our northern regions, continue to burn, please pray for everyone who is suffering and displaced. As information becomes available, we will keep you informed about ways in which our Catholic community is offering support to those in need. Stay tuned.
Back to school!
This week our host Jenny has a fun conversation with Archbishop Smith about everything to do with his experience of doctoral studies (in Rome!): the topic of his dissertation, the stress of doing a Ph.D., his advice for young adults pursuing graduate and doctoral studies, and how to stay connected to your heart, while immersed in an intellectual world. |
Called to Protect
Called to Protect training, an abuse prevention training session will be offered on Friday September 08, 1:00 to 3:30 pm. The two and half hour session is mandatory for all volunteers and employees of the Archdiocese. This will be zoom session open for all. Please register. |
Only those who register, sign-in the chat, and complete the evaluation are considered to have attended. To ensure your volunteers have what they need, we have provided both the Zoom link and the Evaluation form below for your convenience -- but pre-registration is still required! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 817 2918 8708 Passcode: 791197 |
FREE – Information Evening on Ignatian Exercises via Zoom
Facilitated by Faith Nostbakken and Carol Sebastian. Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola: A Retreat in the Real World, the 19th Annotation of the Ignatian Exercises, encourages a closer relationship with God by praying through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. From September 19, 2023 to May 14, 2024, participants will spend an hour daily in personal prayer, keep a journal of their prayer experiences, share their prayer journey with a spiritual director every two weeks, and gather monthly for continued learning–the group meeting is usually the second Tuesday of the month from 6:30 to 9:00 pm via Zoom. Join us via Zoom on Tuesday, August 29 at 7:00 pm to learn more about the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Click below to register to receive Zoom link or visit our website at |
Are you trying to cope as you grieve the death of a loved one?
Facilitator Wanda Lehman, B.Ed., MRE, has an extensive background in counselling, particularly with families in schools, has experienced deep personal loss herself, and knows first-hand the challenges involved in dealing with the death of someone you love. The purpose of this 7-week support group is to provide a safe environment for those who are bereaved to share your stories, gain support through each other, and learn strategies to assist you in coping with your loss.
7 Wednesdays, from September 6 to October 18, 1:00 to 2:30 pm
The Star of the North Retreat Centre
$120 for the 7-weeks of gathering.
Pre-registration required. Visit or call 780-459-5511.
Facilitator Wanda Lehman, B.Ed., MRE, has an extensive background in counselling, particularly with families in schools, has experienced deep personal loss herself, and knows first-hand the challenges involved in dealing with the death of someone you love. The purpose of this 7-week support group is to provide a safe environment for those who are bereaved to share your stories, gain support through each other, and learn strategies to assist you in coping with your loss.
7 Wednesdays, from September 6 to October 18, 1:00 to 2:30 pm
The Star of the North Retreat Centre
$120 for the 7-weeks of gathering.
Pre-registration required. Visit or call 780-459-5511.
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THANK YOU from Our Lady of Victory Camp!
On Thursday, August 10th we wrapped up our final week of programming at Our Lady of Victory Camp. Over the course of the summer, 270 young people came to camp for a week of encountering Christ, community, and creation. To all of you who worked, volunteered, donated, prayed, or in any way supported OLVC in 2023, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for all of you did to help us relaunch this beautiful ministry. We'd also like to thank the Edmonton Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women's League and the AB & NWT Knights of Columbus for their support of this important ministry.
Our September newsletter will include more thoughts, reflections, and pictures from an amazing summer at camp. In the meantime, please mark Saturday, November 4th in your calendar as we plan to host an Annual General Meeting at Sacred Heart Parish in Wetaskiwin.
If you have any questions about Our Lady of Victory Camp, or would like to know how you can support OLVC into the future, please reach out Mike Landry, our camp coordinator, at [email protected].
On Thursday, August 10th we wrapped up our final week of programming at Our Lady of Victory Camp. Over the course of the summer, 270 young people came to camp for a week of encountering Christ, community, and creation. To all of you who worked, volunteered, donated, prayed, or in any way supported OLVC in 2023, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for all of you did to help us relaunch this beautiful ministry. We'd also like to thank the Edmonton Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women's League and the AB & NWT Knights of Columbus for their support of this important ministry.
Our September newsletter will include more thoughts, reflections, and pictures from an amazing summer at camp. In the meantime, please mark Saturday, November 4th in your calendar as we plan to host an Annual General Meeting at Sacred Heart Parish in Wetaskiwin.
If you have any questions about Our Lady of Victory Camp, or would like to know how you can support OLVC into the future, please reach out Mike Landry, our camp coordinator, at [email protected].
What is the Divine Office?
If we are in a cultural “crisis of trust,” how can this ancient prayer restore our faith? Today we speak with Archbishop Smith about the Divine Office or the Liturgy of the Hours: what it is, the daily commitment of priests across the world to pray this ancient prayer of the Church, how praying the psalms can restore our distrusting hearts, and the call to the laity to bring the Divine Office into their lives! |
The Men Who Serve our Church: A Conversation with a Permanent Deacon
Join Archbishop Smith and Deacon Lynn Pion for a conversation about the permanent diaconate, marriage, the experience of presiding over your own child’s wedding, the experience of coming to a vocation later in life, and the need for unity in the Church. |
Are you seeking renewal in your marriage?
Come to Holy Trinity Parish in Spruce Grove this September for a two-day conference to rediscover joy, build unity and experience peace with your spouse. |
The World Youth Day theme song “Há Pressa no Ar” has lyrics by Fr. João Paulo Vaz, and music by Pedro Ferreira, a teacher, both from the Diocese of Coimbra in central Portugal.
For updates on the Canadian delegation, please follow World Youth Day Canada on social media: |
Healing happens amid storms at Lac St. Anne Pilgrimage with thousands attending
While the pilgrimage was abbreviated by two days due to heavy rainstorms, pilgrims say that the annual event touched them deeply and that the struggles with the storm highlighted the goodness and resilience of many people.
Join Archbishop Smith live from Faro, Portugal, to hear all about the chaos, adventure, jetlag, and the joy of Catholicism to be found at World Youth Day.
Over 220 young adults from the Archdiocese of Edmonton are joining hundreds of thousands of pilgrims for World Youth Day 2023. A group of pilgrims from the Edmonton Archdiocese have been in Faro, Portugal Days in the Diocese, the preamble event to World Youth Day. The official World Youth Day begins today August 1 in Lisbon, Portugal, concluding on August 6th.
For this episode Archbishop Smith is joined by Edmonton Archdiocesan World Youth Day Coordinator Father Roger Niedzielski, and pilgrims Ian Novakowski and Brynn Merkosky.
Over 220 young adults from the Archdiocese of Edmonton are joining hundreds of thousands of pilgrims for World Youth Day 2023. A group of pilgrims from the Edmonton Archdiocese have been in Faro, Portugal Days in the Diocese, the preamble event to World Youth Day. The official World Youth Day begins today August 1 in Lisbon, Portugal, concluding on August 6th.
For this episode Archbishop Smith is joined by Edmonton Archdiocesan World Youth Day Coordinator Father Roger Niedzielski, and pilgrims Ian Novakowski and Brynn Merkosky.
Due to extreme weather July 24, and under advice from the RCMP, it is great sadness that we announce that the remainder of the 2023 Lac Ste Anne Pilgrimage is cancelled.
Emergency protocols have been implemented. We are working with the Alexis Nakota Sioux First Nation and Lac Ste Anne County to ensure everyone has food, warm clothing and safe shelter.
This is the first time in modern history that the pilgrimage has been cancelled but the safety of all pilgrims is paramount. There were about 10,000 campers on site, many of them left and others stayed in the concession, church hall, and shrine. They were provided with coffee and food.
Please continue to pray for the pilgrims and the continued success of the Lac Ste Anne Pilgrimage in the future. We will see you next year.
Emergency protocols have been implemented. We are working with the Alexis Nakota Sioux First Nation and Lac Ste Anne County to ensure everyone has food, warm clothing and safe shelter.
This is the first time in modern history that the pilgrimage has been cancelled but the safety of all pilgrims is paramount. There were about 10,000 campers on site, many of them left and others stayed in the concession, church hall, and shrine. They were provided with coffee and food.
Please continue to pray for the pilgrims and the continued success of the Lac Ste Anne Pilgrimage in the future. We will see you next year.
Did local communities disagree about whether it was good that the Pope was coming to Canada? How has the Pope’s visit brought people closer to Jesus?
What was it like for local communities to have security details as extreme as the security for the President of the United States?
Anne Wildcat was one of the main, local Indigenous leaders to organize the details of Pope Francis’ first stop on his Canadian itinerary at Maskwacis. She and Archbishop Smith exchange stories of some of the most beautiful, tense and chaotic behind-the-scenes moments of having the Pope come to a local reserve and to the Archdiocese of Edmonton.
What was it like for local communities to have security details as extreme as the security for the President of the United States?
Anne Wildcat was one of the main, local Indigenous leaders to organize the details of Pope Francis’ first stop on his Canadian itinerary at Maskwacis. She and Archbishop Smith exchange stories of some of the most beautiful, tense and chaotic behind-the-scenes moments of having the Pope come to a local reserve and to the Archdiocese of Edmonton.
Over 220 young adults from the Edmonton Archdiocese are registered for World Youth Day 2023, which begins in Lisbon, Portugal on August 1.
On July 16, the Archbishop celebrated the Commissioning Mass for the pilgrims of our Archdiocese, including pilgrims from the Diocese of St. Paul, at St. Joseph's Basilica. Click here to read the Archbishop's homily for the Commissioning Mass.
Summer Camp Update
While the weather wasn't ideal, the rain didn't dampen the spirits of 55 high school students who spent July 9-13 at Our Lady of Victory Camp. Last week was the first week, after the Archdiocesan summer camp was successfully re-launched on July 8. Campers spent the week inside and out, learning about their faith canoeing, going to Mass, shooting archery, playing ultimate Frisbee, and forging new friendships.A highlight of the week took place on Wednesday night when Archbishop Richard Smith led Eucharistic Adoration for the camp community. Camp continues this week, July 16-20, with 67 elementary-aged students.
For more information about Our Lady of Victory Camp, visit the OLVC website.
While the weather wasn't ideal, the rain didn't dampen the spirits of 55 high school students who spent July 9-13 at Our Lady of Victory Camp. Last week was the first week, after the Archdiocesan summer camp was successfully re-launched on July 8. Campers spent the week inside and out, learning about their faith canoeing, going to Mass, shooting archery, playing ultimate Frisbee, and forging new friendships.A highlight of the week took place on Wednesday night when Archbishop Richard Smith led Eucharistic Adoration for the camp community. Camp continues this week, July 16-20, with 67 elementary-aged students.
For more information about Our Lady of Victory Camp, visit the OLVC website.
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Join Archbishop Smith for a discussion about his grandparents, the art of storytelling across generations, the troubling societal trend of neglecting our elders, how older Bishops have mentored him, the connection between World Youth Day and strengthening the relationship between different generations of Catholics, and much more.
Listen to podcast |
Happy Anniversary!
May the Lord's blessings continue to be with our leader and shepherd, Archbishop Richard Smith, who celebrated his 21st Episcopal Ordination Anniversary on Sunday, June 18. "We may not be called upon to put out fires, but it is incumbent upon us to remain 'fired up' for the mission. When we, like Saint Paul, are seized with the truth of God’s love revealed in the death of Christ, there arises within us a gentle yet powerful flame of answering love, which continually moves and energizes us to pursue the rescue effort." Click below to read the full text of His Grace's homily for the 11th Sunday in ordinary time.
Photo credit: Yuan Wang, Diocese of Calgary
The Foundation of St. Joseph Seminary and Newman Theological College is pleased to congratulate Fr. Santiago Torres, who was ordained by Bishop William T. McGrattan, Bishop of Calgary, on June 16.
Fr. Santiago originates from Colombia and has been studying for the Diocese of Calgary since 2015. After two years at Mount Royal Seminary, he came to St. Joseph Seminary in 2017. Click our name below to learn more about the Foundation and how you can support our seminarians. |
Join Archbishop Smith for a discussion on how leisure is an essential part of being a Christian.
The lazy, hazy days of summer
Join Archbishop Smith for a discussion on how leisure is an essential part of being a Christian, the difference between laziness and rest, the sinister results of placing our identity in our productivity, how to remember to pray even when we take vacations, and Archbishop Smith's own relationship with work and rest. |
Celebrating a family that's Joyfully Big
Dr. Ryan Topping, vice-president and academic dean of Newman Theological College, his wife Anna, and their family were interviewed by Shalom World TV. In this 'Joyfully Big' episode, discover the grace and beauty of the domestic church in the lives of couples who demonstrate remarkable openness to life and who rejoice in the bustling activity of a large Catholic family
Dr. Ryan Topping, vice-president and academic dean of Newman Theological College, his wife Anna, and their family were interviewed by Shalom World TV. In this 'Joyfully Big' episode, discover the grace and beauty of the domestic church in the lives of couples who demonstrate remarkable openness to life and who rejoice in the bustling activity of a large Catholic family
Special Father's Day edition!
Join Archbishop Smith for this special episode as we discuss his father, Donald James, and how his father accompanied him as a young man, the unique nature of friendships between priests and married men, the "ministry of presence" that all fathers are called, why we call priests "father," and the meaning of the Aramaic word "Abba." |
YouCat: The Way of Prayer
Prayer is a decision to learn about God, to share our lives with Him, and to grow into a deep friendship with Him. Mike Landry continues his series on the Youth Catechism. |
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Lessons from Saints Peter and Paul about perseverance in marriage
Regardless of which goals you decide on for your marriage, remember that there would not be the need to persevere if lasting change were easy. Psychologists Melissa Guzik and Jean MacKenzie write: There will be times when you will fall, and you will do the thing “you do not want.” When Saints Peter and Paul fell, God’s mercy was always there for them. |
Ordination of Santiago Torres to the Priesthood
Deacon Santiago Torres is a student at St. Joseph Seminary studying for the Diocese of Calgary. His ordination will take place on Friday, June 16 at 7 p.m. at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Calgary. It will be livestreamed on Facebook. |
UpFront with the Archbishop: The Rite of Adoration
When was the last time you sat with the Lord in adoration? Join Archbishop Smith for a discussion on the meaning behind the different parts of Eucharistic adoration, the role of contemplation for followers of Jesus, why we sing “O saving victim” in adoration, and the return of 24/7 Eucharistic adoration to the Archdiocese of Edmonton. |
New video to share: St. Joseph's College
YouCat: Sources of Prayer
If our desire to be closer to God really is important to us, we will carve moments for prayer into our day. This begins by making a concrete decision to pray every day, because we know we need to do it, and to do it consistently: “prayer thrives on faithfulness” (YouCat 490). St. Teresa of Calcutta says “if you are seeking God but do know how you should begin, learn to pray and make the effort to pray every day.” |
St. Joseph’s College is an affiliate Catholic college located at the heart of the University of Alberta, the province’s premier research institution. We support students in their development as whole people by offering university credit courses that explore the unity of faith and reason, and by providing a safe, inclusive community through our residences and campus ministry. At St. Joseph’s College, students are empowered to ask big questions, build lifelong relationships, and develop a faith that is authentic and their own, and they go out into the world with the tools and vision to help bring about the common good.
Jake Mullin of Spruce Grove has been studying for the Archdiocese of Edmonton since 2016. He anticipates being ordained to the priesthood in 2024. On behalf of The Foundation of St. Joseph Seminary and Newman Theological College, we are delighted to share the blessing of our newly ordained deacon. Thank you for your support!
Rev. Mr. Santiago Torres is a seminarian studying for the Diocese of Calgary. He came to St. Joseph Seminary in 2017. His ordination to the Ministerial Priesthood will take place June 16 at 7 p.m. at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Calgary. We will provide more information once it becomes available.
You're invited to St. Andrew's Perpetual Adoration
Come and join Archbishop Smith at 7 PM on Thursday, June 8, at St. Andrew’s Parish (12810 - 111 Avenue) to commemorate the name day of Corpus Christi Chapel of Perpetual Adoration.
Come and join Archbishop Smith at 7 PM on Thursday, June 8, at St. Andrew’s Parish (12810 - 111 Avenue) to commemorate the name day of Corpus Christi Chapel of Perpetual Adoration.
Interview with transitional deacon Jake Mullin
Deacon Jake grew up in Spruce Grove and he entered St. Joseph Seminary in 2016. He was ordained to the transitional diaconate by Archbishop Richard Smith at St. Joseph’s Basilica in Edmonton on May 26, 2023.
Deacon Jake grew up in Spruce Grove and he entered St. Joseph Seminary in 2016. He was ordained to the transitional diaconate by Archbishop Richard Smith at St. Joseph’s Basilica in Edmonton on May 26, 2023.
VIDEO: Watch the Diaconal Ordination of Jake Mullin at St. Joseph Basilica
Click the red PLAY button on the video below to watch the full-length livestream recording of Jake's diaconal ordination last week at St. Joseph Basilica.
Click the red PLAY button on the video below to watch the full-length livestream recording of Jake's diaconal ordination last week at St. Joseph Basilica.
CWL Annual Convention June 2-3
Opening Mass Friday, June 2 at 7pm at Sacred Heart Catholic Church of the First Peoples. Convention at Corpus Christi Catholic Church commences at 8:30 am on both days. Speakers include:
Join the
St. John Paul II Catholic Youth Leadership Camp from July 25-29 Camp will take place at OLVC and is is open for 15- to 18-year-olds. We will explore the thoughts of St. John Paul II on vocation and apologetics. Followed by sports and music in the afternoons. |
2023 Clergy Transfers and Assignments
Changes In Parish Pastors
Changes With Associate Pastor(s)**These appointments are subject to change depending on their arrival from their country of origin. Priority will be to fulfill a vacancy at an essential parish in need.
Other Appointments
Diaconate Appointments**Effective July 8, 2023, unless otherwise listed
- Rev. Roger Niedzielski,as Pastor of Resurrection and Assumption Parishes, Edmonton, replacing Rev. Philip Creurer.
- Rev. Liju Jose, as Pastor of St. Stephen Parish, Lacombe and St. Augustine Parish, Ponoka, replacing Rev. Simmy Joseph, CMI.
- Rev. Rambabu Kanaparthi, CFIC, as Pastor of Christ-King Parish, Stettler, Our Lady of Grace Parish, Castor, and Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Bashaw, replacing Rev. Roger Niedzielski.
- Rev. Tomasz Krzesik, OMI, as Pastor of Holy Rosary Parish, Edmonton, replacing Rev. Mieczysław “Mitch” Burdzy, OMI.
- Rev. Matija Žugaj, as Pastor of Nativity of Mary Croatian Parish, Edmonton, replacing Rev. Tomislav Fridl.
- Rev. Jinu Rajan, as Pastor of St. Edmund Parish, Edmonton, replacing Rev. Maria Villaraza, SDB.
- Rev. Martin Carroll, as Temporary Parochial Administrator* of St. Dominic Savio Parish (effective May 20, 2023), until the arrival of Rev. Henry Daniel Ambrose Savarinathan, SDB, who will serve as full-time Parochial Administrator* of St. Dominic Savio Parish, Edmonton, replacing Rev. Sagayaraj Devadoss, SDB.
- Rev. Thomas Puthupparampil, as Dominical Vicar* of St. Rose of Lima Parish, Onoway, St. Joseph Parish, Wabamun-Duffield and Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Lac La Nonne, replacing Rev. Liju Jose.
Changes With Associate Pastor(s)**These appointments are subject to change depending on their arrival from their country of origin. Priority will be to fulfill a vacancy at an essential parish in need.
- Rev. Josephin Raj Muthuswamy and Rev. Chinnapparaj Desam Balraj, SDB, as Associate Pastors of St. Joseph’s Basilica, Edmonton, assisting Rev. Joseph Vadassery, Rector.
- Rev. Mario Villaraza, SDB, and Rev. Abraham Kuylil Durai, SAC, as Associate Pastors of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Sherwood Park, assisting Rev. Jim Corrigan, Pastor.
- Rev. Vadakedath Aipe, CMI, as Associate Pastor of St. Thomas More Parish, Edmonton, assisting Rev. Mark McGee, Pastor.
- Rev. Marreddy Udumala, SAC, as Associate Pastor of Our Lady of the Foothills Parish, Hinton, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Jasper, and Holy Cross Parish, Grande Cache, assisting Rev. Anthony Narisetty, SAC, Pastor.
- Rev. Avinash Francis, SAC, as Associate Pastor of Holy Family, St. Albert, assisting Rev. Antony Cruz Michael, SAC, Pastor.
- Rev. Alex Joseph, as Associate Pastor of Our Lady of the Angels Parish, Fort Saskatchewan (and associated parishes), assisting Rev. Carlos Nunez, Pastor.
- Rev. Varkey Ouseph Kummananchery, CMI, as Associate Pastor of St. Anthony Parish, Lloydminster, assisting Rev. Arun Rodrigues, SAC, Pastor.
- Rev. Benoj Makkolil, CMI, to serve as a Priest Chaplain for hospital ministry in Edmonton.
Other Appointments
- Rev. Philip Creurer, JCD will continue to serve as Judicial Vicar of The Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton and the Interdiocesan Tribunal of Edmonton.
- Rev. Eamonn McNerney, currently serving as a Priest Chaplain in hospital ministry, is on study leave in Rome for two academic years.
- Rev. Geoffrey Young, of the Diocese of Saskatoon, is joining us to serve as a member of the formation team at St. Joseph’s Seminary (effective August 1, 2023).
- Rev. Weldu Rkab Tesfazghi, will serve as Pastor of the Ge’ez Rite Eritrean Community at Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples, Edmonton (pending his arrival).
- Rev. Josephin Raj Muthuswamy, will also serve as Pastor of the Syro-Malankara Community at St. John the Evangelist Parish, Edmonton (pending his arrival).
- Rev. Sagayaraj Devadoss, SDB, Pastor of St. Dominic Savio, Edmonton, is transferred by his Superior to a new assignment in India (May 20, 2023).
- Rev. Simmy Joseph, CMI, Pastor of St. Stephen Parish, Lacombe and St. Augustine Parish, Ponoka, is transferred by his Superior to a new assignment in the Diocese of Peterborough, ON.
- Rev. Mieczysław “Mitch” Burdzy, OMI, Pastor of Holy Rosary Parish, Edmonton, is granted a sabbatical year by his Superior. Upon the end of his sabbatical, he will be reassigned to another diocese.
- Rev. Tomislav Fridl, Pastor of Nativity of Mary Parish, Edmonton, returns to his home diocese in Croatia to a new assignment from his Ordinary.
- Rev. Blair Bernard, from Madonna House Apostolate, receives a new assignment from his community (May 28, 2023).
- Rev. Vincent Anthony Samy, SDB, Associate Pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Sherwood Park, is transferred by his Superior to a new assignment.
- Rev. Tomasz Latawiec, Associate Pastor of Our Lady of the Angels Parish, Fort Saskatchewan, returns to his home diocese in Poland to a new assignment from his Ordinary.
Diaconate Appointments**Effective July 8, 2023, unless otherwise listed
- (Transitional) Deacon Jake Mullin (ordained May 26, 2023) to serve at Resurrection and Assumption Parishes, Edmonton for weekend ministry (effective September 2023).
- Deacon Dan Richie ,from the Archdiocese of Vancouver to serve at St. Vital Parish, Beaumont (effective April 1, 2023).
- Deacon James Eidem to serve at Sacred Heart Parish, Red Deer.
- Deacon Arden Playford to serve at Corpus Christi, Edmonton.
- Deacon Rene Mella to serve at St. Theresa Parish, Edmonton.
What should we pay attention to in the Pentecost Mass?
Join Archbishop Smith for a discussion on the Pentecost Sunday liturgy, tongues of fire that landed on the Apostles in the Bibles, the Holy Spirit as the forgotten Person of the Trinity, and how to build a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. |
YouCat: Prayer In The Christian Life
Parenthood brings with it a lengthy to-do list. For the first while, we care for all our kids’ needs. As they grow, we help them learn to walk and talk, to swim and skate, and to eat a meal without leaving bits of food in a radius around their chair. We get to share the things we love with them, which includes the role of prayer in family life, as Evergreen Catholic schools chaplain Mike Landry explains in this edition of his series on the YouCat.
Parenthood brings with it a lengthy to-do list. For the first while, we care for all our kids’ needs. As they grow, we help them learn to walk and talk, to swim and skate, and to eat a meal without leaving bits of food in a radius around their chair. We get to share the things we love with them, which includes the role of prayer in family life, as Evergreen Catholic schools chaplain Mike Landry explains in this edition of his series on the YouCat.
Diaconal Ordination
Jake Mullin of Spruce Grove has been studying for the Archdiocese of Edmonton since 2016. Jake will celebrate his diaconal ordination on May 26 at 7 p.m. at St. Joseph's Basilica. Jake is one of three men recently called to the diaconate, the last phase of formation for a seminarian. Watch for more on Jake's vocation story in the Window. Let us pray for all seminarians!
Jake Mullin of Spruce Grove has been studying for the Archdiocese of Edmonton since 2016. Jake will celebrate his diaconal ordination on May 26 at 7 p.m. at St. Joseph's Basilica. Jake is one of three men recently called to the diaconate, the last phase of formation for a seminarian. Watch for more on Jake's vocation story in the Window. Let us pray for all seminarians!
St. Joseph Seminary |
C-YEG Day of Service Come and make sandwiches for the less fortunate, on May 13, 2 p.m., at Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples. |
Join Leadership Camp
Camp is open to 15- to 18-year-olds. We will explore the thoughts of St. John Paul II on vocation and apologetics, followed by sports and music in the afternoons. |
Getting Our Lady of Victory Camp ready
The next work bee is June 10. We need help with yard cleaning, minor repairs, organization, and finishing work. Contact Deacon Claude Baril at 403-896-3745 or email [email protected]. On May 6, nearly 40 volunteers including members of parishes, the Knights of Columbus, Catholic Women's League, and camp alumni helped in the earlier work bee to get camp ready for July. |
YouCat: The Tenth Commandment (Envy)
You shall not covet your neighbour’s goods. The Tenth Commandment directs us not to covet our neighbours’ goods specifically so we don’t let envy consume our souls. Here, the Youth Catechism offers two good suggestions on how to battle this disordered desire for things we don’t have. Evergreen Catholic schools chaplain Mike Landry continues his series on the YouCat. |
We speak with Archbishop Smith about how to approach different opinions on church architecture, the principles that inform the building of Catholic churches, the need for beauty and transcendence in our places of worship and His Grace’s favourite church in the Archdiocese!
There were 46 confirmands, including three adults, at St. Anthony's parish in Lloydminster April 23. In one family, three generations received the sacrament. On April 30, 13 candidates received Confirmation at St. Joseph's Basilica in Edmonton. Please pray for our new confirmands who have received the Gift of the Holy Spirit!
"Through these words and the anointing with oil, Jesus calls you by name, singles you out, and gives you his very own Spirit for the beautiful purpose of being his witness in the world. Witness means pointing others to Jesus."
Dear Foundation family, we are back again with our 2023 Spring newsletter.
In this edition, you will be informed of the good work WE (you and us) DO and the different ways you can be part of it.
In this edition, you will be informed of the good work WE (you and us) DO and the different ways you can be part of it.
appealletterspring2023.pdf |
Edmonton Prolife March for Life Week Check the poster below for more information about the march and related events May 8-12.
Our Lady of Victory Camp
The countdown is on! We are two months away from the relaunch of Our Lady of Victory Camp. There's still lots of space for young people entering grades 4-12 to register for camp, and there are many ways you can support the work being done to ready the camp to welcome campers in July. This weekend, we're holding the first of two work bees allowing people to offer their talents to support our ministry. Please reach out if you'd like to help us at our second work bee on June 10th - or any other time between now and then. |
UpFront with the Archbishop
Can our clothing and behaviour at Mass actually cause people to lose faith? Do we dress too casually for Mass? Join Archbishop Smith for a discussion about the "virtue of religion," the symbolic power of our clothing and the relationship between how we worship and what we believe. |
Archbishop Smith: Jesus is risen. He is alive.
He wants us to pour out our hearts to him in prayer, to tell him everything that we are going through. Then he wants us to know him, because the more we know Jesus and his love for us, the more our hearts will be changed, too - Archbishop Smith, Mass of Confirmation St. Anthony's Parish in Lloydminster April 23. |
World Youth Day
events August 1-6 World Youth Day is less than 100 days away and pilgrims are getting ready. Some students from St.Joseph’s College are banding together to travel to Portugal to encounter millions of young people from around the world and to celebrate the joy of our faith with the Holy Father, Pope Francis. These students are fundraising in various means to reach this faith building goal. They have a “Mom’s Pantry” Campaign on the go as well as a Go Fund Me page. Any sponsorship or donation would bring these young adults a step closer to this spectacular faith encounter. Please keep these pilgrims and all attendees in your prayers. |
GoFundMe link
Come & Paint: WYD fundraiser
We would love to share an evening of fun painting held at Christ-King Parish Hall on Saturday, May 20 at 7 p.m. There will be wine, snacks and lots of paint! This picture is what we will be painting. Limited tickets are available at $50. E-transfers accepted at [email protected]. Please indicate who the tickets are for, and their contact information. Tickets may then be picked up at the door. |
Live in St. Joseph's College residence
Check out our new video that focuses on the SJC residence experience! We still have space in the Women’s Residence and we are now adding names to our waitlist for the Men’s Residence! SJC is the Catholic college at the University of Alberta Apply here |
Up Front with the Archbishop
What have we forgotten about the 50 days of Easter? Join Archbishop Smith for a discussion about how to stay invested in the Easter Season and the many Easter traditions and liturgies that we might miss. |
Jake Mullin of Spruce Grove has been studying for the Archdiocese of Edmonton since 2016. Jake will celebrate his Diaconal Ordination on May 26 at 7 p.m. at St. Joseph Basilica
In the St. Joseph Seminary newsletter, Father Sylvain Casavant reflects on Pope Francis' three days at the seminary. Benjamin Taylor shares how he has been changed by God's overwhelming power and Deacon Santiago Torres tells the story of bringing Holy Communion to the Pope himself. |
Divine Mercy Sunday
Archbishop Smith celebrated the Eucharist and met with staff and residents at the Edmonton General Continuing Care Centre, It's a place long dedicated to extending mercy to people in need. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Certificate Program for Community Visitors
The Archdiocese of Edmonton is hosting a workshop for parishioners who bring Holy Communion to the sick in our care centres and hospitals. Those interested in being trained as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion for the sick and shut-ins are invited to participate in a training program on Saturday, April 29, 2023 – Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Certificate Program for Community Visitors. The program will be hosted at Corpus Christi Parish, from 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon. Registration is required by Monday, April 24, via the link provided.
The Archdiocese of Edmonton is hosting a workshop for parishioners who bring Holy Communion to the sick in our care centres and hospitals. Those interested in being trained as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion for the sick and shut-ins are invited to participate in a training program on Saturday, April 29, 2023 – Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Certificate Program for Community Visitors. The program will be hosted at Corpus Christi Parish, from 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon. Registration is required by Monday, April 24, via the link provided.
If you have a child in Grade 4-12, we have a place for them at Our Lady of Victory Camp this summer! Consider sending them to camp where they can swim in our lake, gather around the campfire, play epic games, and grow in their faith during one of our four weeks of camp this summer. If you don’t have a camp-aged child, you can still get involved in the preparations for our camp reopening this summer. Please pray for us! We also always need workers on the ground to help prepare the site of the summer and would welcome any financial support you might give. |
We look forward to gathering with families and camp supporters on Saturday, July 8th for Mass with the Archbishop and a BBQ. If you have any questions, please contact us at 587-447-2837 or visit
Have you ever been confused about what actually happens in the Sacrament of Confirmation? In this episode of the Upfront with the Archbishop podcast, His Grace talks about the "missionary sacrament," and what it means to be commissioned as a Catholic.
Youth Catechism: You shall not commit adultery
The love between husband and wife is not to be self-centered. It's not to be just about sensual pleasure or to preserve our species. Sexual intimacy is a beautiful and wonderful thing. Mike Landry continues his YouCat series. |
'Hope in the midst of crisis'
After a three-year hiatus, the annual Downtown Way of the Cross has returned to Edmonton. Held on Good Friday, the theme of this year’s event was “Hope In The Midst Of Crisis.” |
Newman Golf Classic
Together, our golf tournament and your participation raise much-needed funds to support the education of future priests and lay leaders for the Archdiocese of Edmonton and Catholic dioceses across Western Canada. |
Our Lady of Victory Camp
There’s lots of work to do to get OLVC ready for the summer. Offer your time and talents at one of our work bees on Saturday, May 6 or Saturday, June 10 – email [email protected]. Please contact Deacon Claude Baril at 403-896-3745 or by email [email protected]. |
In this episode of the UpFront podcast, Archbishop Smith talks about the ancient meanings of the Vigil traditions. We also speak about theology of Christ’s wounds and the “necessary sin of Adam.”
Living out the joy of Easter in your marriage
In their family and marriage column, Melissa Guzik and Jean MacKenzie hope that Easter, as a time of joy within your marriage, will result in greater connection and increased joy between you and your spouse. |
Chrism Mass 2023
The Chrism Mass is an annual liturgy where the three anointing oils - the oil of the sick, the oil of catechumens, and the oil of chrism - are consecrated by the Archbishop. It is also customary for all priests to renew their vows during the liturgy.
Following the Vatican statement on the "Doctrine of Discovery," Archbishop Smith and Archbishop Donald Bolen (Regina) seek to clear away the confusion by clarifying the Church's stance and providing insight into the true history and context.
Youth Catechism: Thou shalt not kill
At first glance, the Fifth Commandment seems like the simplest commandment. It's about seeing the value in every human life, at each stage of development, and even in the state of sin. But it raises questions. Mike Landry continues his series on the YouCat. |
Newman Golf Classic
Welcome to the 31st Annual Newman Golf Classic, held once again at the beautiful Blackhawk Golf Club June 26. |
More information
Camp Encounter
Get ready for an unforgettable reunion and farewell event at Camp Encounter on May 27 from 1 - 10 p.m., beginning with a classic camp Mass and ending with our best campfire ever! Join us for a day filled with fun activities, crafts, prayers and reflection, great food,outdoor tour and ...wait for it... a 25-foot ice cream sundae! Reconnect with old friends, reminisce with stories and say goodbye to our beloved camp. |
Sometimes we miss the richness of Mass
It's the very end of March. Lent is progressing very quickly and Easter is no longer so far away. So let's take a deep dive into the Holy Week Liturgies. Join us today to find out what's behind our liturgies in this the latest episode. |
YouCat: The Fourth Commandment, 'Honour Your Father and Your Mother
Growing up, there always seemed to be TV shows which centered on the story of a family. The reason why there have been so many family-based stories and sitcoms throughout the years is because growing in love, respect, responsibility, and obedience is easier said than done... |
Upfront With The Archbishop podcast
Is it appropriate for priests to make jokes in their homilies? How is Scripture meant to be preached in the Mass? Join us today for the latest episode. |
YouCat: The Third Commandment, Remember to Keep Holy the Lord’s Day
Columnist Mike Landry writes the sabbath exists as a sign of God’s care for us, His desire to make sure that we are refueled and ready to go. Mike continues his series exploring the Youth Catechism. |
Seek greater forgiveness within your marriage this Lent
Melissa Guzik and Jean MacKenzie are registered psychologists who work in private practice in Edmonton. This is the first of their monthly columns on marriage and family life. |
Upfront with the Archbishop: The Best (and Worst) of Vatican II
Join us for an in-depth conversation with St. John Paul II biographer Dr. George Weigel about the Second Vatican Council, "liturgy wars" in the Church and how to stay focused on Jesus amid political division. |
Election guide
Catholic Conscience offers a voters' guide, setting Catholic teachings against positions of the political parties, using the parties’ own words. Catholic Conscience promotes non-partisan civic and political engagement. |
YouCat: You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
Mike Landry is Catholic Youth Camp director for the Archdiocese. He is also chaplain for Evergreen Cathiolic Schools. He continues his series on the Youth Catechism. |
Read more |
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Archbishop Brian Dunn of Halifax-Yarmouth reflects on the Scriptures in this Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops' Lenten series. |
YouCat: The First Commandment
“I am the Lord, your God. You shall not have strange gods before me.” For those of us living in the 21st century, this commandment still has meaning. Mike Landry continues his series on the Youth Catechism. |
Upfront with the Archbishop update:
We are taking a break. Next week we will have a special podcast episode with George Weigel, biographer of St. John Paul II, and author of a recently released book on the Second Vatican Council. |
Journey through Lent
For the Third Sunday of Lent, Archbishop Brian Dunn provides a reflection on the Samaritan woman at the well and conversations of significance. This video series is made possible through the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
For the Third Sunday of Lent, Archbishop Brian Dunn provides a reflection on the Samaritan woman at the well and conversations of significance. This video series is made possible through the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Dungeons, Graves, and Poverty: World Travel with Archbishop Smith
Upfront with the Archbishop is a weekly podcast where we seek to bridge the gap between the hierarchy and the faithful by discussing the beauty, truth, and challenges of our Catholic faith. |
YouCat: The Ten Commandments
Some see them as out of date in the modern times. That view represents a misunderstanding of their purpose. Mike Landry explains in his latest column on the Youth Catechism. |
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NET Canada 'Do Something Amazing' Retreat for Young Adults
Many youth across Canada still don't know Christ and need missionaries to go to them! Do you know a young person who is passionate about their faith? On Saturday, March 4, there will be a Do Something Amazing Retreat at Newman Theological College in Edmonton. Young adults 18-30 from anywhere in Alberta are invited! You can email [email protected] or text 613-292-9991. |
Grab your tools to prepare camp
We are very excited to be relaunching Our Lady of Victory Camp in 2023, Registration is open. To prepare, we’re going to host work bees on Saturday, May 6 and on Saturday, June 10. |
Read more
The Lost Discipline of Fasting
Upfront with the Archbishop is a weekly podcast where we seek to bridge the gap between the hierarchy and the faithful by discussing the beauty, truth, and challenges of our Catholic faith. |
YouCat: Why I love the Church
I can say with all honesty that I have come to love the Catholic Church and the more I know and understand it, the more I value what she teaches. I’ve also come to recognize that the Church loves me, even when what she teaches may seem difficult. Mike Landry continues his series on the Youth Catechism. Read more |
Upfront with the Archbishop is a weekly podcast where we seek to bridge the gap between the hierarchy and the faithful by discussing the beauty, truth, and challenges of our Catholic faith.
YouCat: Human Community (Law & Grace)
You might say that the progression that many of us have gone through to get our driver's licenses mirrors the way in which God has revealed moral law to us. Mike Landry continues his series on the Youth Catechism. |
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YouCat: The dignity of the human person
To put it simply, to care for the needs of others is not an optional part of the Christian life. If we have a relationship with Jesus, we are also called to do something to better the world around us. Mike Landry continues his series on the Youth Catechism. Read more
Catechism 101 - This Our Faith Retreat Feb. 17-20
Come join us for prayer, discussion & discovery! This retreat at the Way of Holiness Retreat Center & Lay Community in Hinton is an overview of the Catechism for those who wish to understand Church teachings more clearly. |
Shroud of Turin Presentation
This is a special workshop Feb. 11 at Holy Trinity Parish from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. It will be taught by Ed Hecker, from the Edmonton Catholic School Division. He has researched the shroud since the beginning of his teaching career. Free, No registration necessary. Watch video |
Our Lady of Victory Camp returns this summer
This camp exists to support families and youth ministry initiatives in the Archdiocese of Edmonton by offering a week-long faith experience. At camp everyone can Encounter Christ, Encounter Community, and Encounter Creation. They will do this through a mixture of faith experiences and outdoor activities held at our camp on beautiful Gull Lake. Click here to see a video from our last season at camp (2018).
Registration for Summer 2023 opens on Monday, February 6, 2023 at 5 p.m. Any young person entering grades 4-12 next fall is welcome to attend! See our dates, read more about what we do at camp, how to register, or how you can get involved,
This camp exists to support families and youth ministry initiatives in the Archdiocese of Edmonton by offering a week-long faith experience. At camp everyone can Encounter Christ, Encounter Community, and Encounter Creation. They will do this through a mixture of faith experiences and outdoor activities held at our camp on beautiful Gull Lake. Click here to see a video from our last season at camp (2018).
Registration for Summer 2023 opens on Monday, February 6, 2023 at 5 p.m. Any young person entering grades 4-12 next fall is welcome to attend! See our dates, read more about what we do at camp, how to register, or how you can get involved,
(“Let us Adore”) is held at St. Joseph Basilica from 7 – 8:30 p.m. on the first Saturday of every month: Feb 4, March 4, April 1, May 6, June 3). Join other young adults for an evening of Eucharistic Adoration, music, reconciliation, and prayer. Email: [email protected] for more information. |
World Youth Day at Home
A multi-day “Festival of Faith” event is planned for this summer. We need information from you, potential delegates before we proceed. Complete survey
The first episode of our Embrace Limit podcast series is here.
The Church’s teachings on sexuality – saving sex for marriage, marriage is solely between a man and a woman, contraception, the idea that there are only two sexes – can feel like a limiting burden. But what are the underlying principles that inform all these teachings? |
YouCat: How are we to have life in Christ?
Chaplain Mike Landry explains the moral life helps us understand what we are expected to do in the great story God has been unfolding. |
Archbishop Smith recalls the times he met and talked with Pope Benedict XVI, and reflects on what his enormous contribution to the Church has meant to him as a priest and bishop.
We explore one of Archbishop Smith's favourite saints, Augustine of Hippo. We look at how the heretics and heresies St. Augustine confronted still have an influence.
Our Lady of Victory camp re-opening
Camp ministry offer a week-long faith experience. At summer camp everyone can Encounter Christ, Encounter Community, and Encounter Creation. |
Mother Teresa: No Greater Love
This documentary film produced by the Knights of Columbus, will return to Edmonton theatres January 22-23. This film reveals not just who Mother Teresa was, but how her singular vision to serve Christ in the poor continues to be realized through the Missionaries of Charity today. |
What should we pay attention to in the Christmas Masses? What is the meaning of different prayers which are prayed in the Christmas liturgies? In this episode, His Grace discusses the truth behind the many liturgies celebrated for Christmas, the history of the Midnight mass tradition, and many more insights into the celebration of Christmas.
Upfront with the Archbishop is a weekly podcast that seeks to bridge the gap between the hierarchy and the faithful. T |
Last week, we shared the exciting news that we will be hosting youth at Our Lady of Victory Camp in 2023, but there's a lot of work to be done to get there.
We are planning information meetings about our 2023 programs at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, January 4 at either St. Charles Parish in Edmonton (17511 112 St. NW) or at Sacred Heart Parish in Red Deer (4816 55 St., Red Deer). |
Thursday, January 12 7:00-9:30 pm live via Zoom Called to Protect is an abuse prevention training session that is mandatory for all volunteers and employees in the Archdiocese of Edmonton.
Pre-registration is required. Please clIck below. |
"Do not be anxious about anything" Phil 4:6
"Am I stewarding my eyes? Am I stewarding my ears? What am I allowing into my thinking by what I choose to see and listen to?" This week Archbishop Smith speaks specifically about what our Catholic faith can bring to the conversation around anxiety. Can we find healing through the spiritual realities of our faith, most especially the Eucharist? Upfront with the Archbishop is a weekly podcast seeking to bridge the gap between the hierarchy and the faithful. |
YouCat: Sacraments of Healing
One of Jesus’ most well-known and enduring parables is the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). In this story Jesus speaks plainly about what it means to love your neighbor as yourself, looking out for anyone we might meet who is in need. Part of a series of reflections on the Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church by Mike Landry, Catholic Youth Camps director for the Archdiocese of Edmonton and chaplain for Evergreen Catholic Schools. |
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Members
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of The Foundation of St. Joseph Seminary and Newman Theological College will be held electronically via Zoom videoconferencing on January 5, 2023, at 2:30 pm (MST). Click below to see Agenda and to RSVP by January 3, 2023. |
Can you help push Together We Serve over the top?
To the end of November, the Together We Serve Annual Appeal has raised 78% of its $1.5 million goal. Eleven parishes have already achieved (or exceeded) their targets and 26 more are at 80% or better! Congratulations to all. How is your parish doing? Check out the November financial report. |
Archbishop Smith goes to Ireland!
After a much needed break, Archbishop Smith sits down to to talk about his recent trip to Ireland. A great conversation on rediscovering cultural and family roots, trusting in God, and the joys of a pint of Guinness. Upfront with the Archbishop is a weekly podcast seeking to bridge the gap between the hierarchy and the faithful. |
Fr. Kris asks some good questions
Why isn’t the promise of eternal life not much of a selling feature for Christianity anymore? Why can’t we just stick a sign on our front lawn that says, “Have a contrite heart? We’ve got eternal life!” Why isn’t that appealing? Why don’t people come flocking through our doors to get this promise and gift of eternal life? The answer is not really simple... |
Celebrating the mysteries of Christ
I have loved Lego for as long as I can remember. This highly sophisticated interlocking brick system captured my imagination as a child... Part of a series of reflections on the Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church by Mike Landry, Catholic Youth Camps director for the Archdiocese of Edmonton and chaplain for Evergreen Catholic Schools. |
Have a complaint?
Like any other public figure, a Bishop is no stranger to criticism. But in the Church how does a disciple offer criticism to someone who has legitimate authority over them? We ask Archbishop Smith how he receives and processes feedback, and how he decides if a public response is necessary. Upfront with the Archbishop is a weekly podcast seeking to bridge the gap between the hierarchy and the faithful. The podcast features our host, Jenny Connelly, in conversation with Archbishop Richard Smith. |
Youcat: God and the Sacred Liturgy
I will never forget the first night I held her hand. We were driving on a cold night in early March 2004; I had misplaced my gloves and my hands were cold…and my future wife graciously obliged my need by clasping her hand into my own. This column is part of a series of reflections on the Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church by Mike Landry, Catholic Youth Camps director for the Archdiocese of Edmonton and chaplain for Evergreen Catholic Schools. |