Welcome All!
“I am the Gate. If anyone enters through Me, he will be saved. He will come in and go out and find pasture” (John 10:7).
“I am the Gate. If anyone enters through Me, he will be saved. He will come in and go out and find pasture” (John 10:7).
Let the door of our Church be opened wide to Christ, “to those who seek Him with a sincere heart”. Welcome to our parish website, the online window of the sacred, of our parish. I hope we are able to re-connect with you and be able to bring you the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ.
St. Stephen the King of Hungary Catholic Church is a beautiful parish, vibrant and rich in religious-cultural heritage. We gladly serve your spiritual-pastoral needs through the Sacraments, Liturgy, prayer services and the mission which is passionately promoting social justice and charity in building up the Kingdom of God. We strive to be witnesses of the Gospel and Christ’s ambassadors in our challenging world.
If you are Catholic who live in the area, you are already one of the many "sheep" of this flock, and are entitled to the pastoral care of your priest. It is my vocation and great privilege to bring you closer to Jesus, particularly through the sacraments, blessings, family celebrations, reconciliation and spiritual guidance. Feel free to reach out to me whenever you need as I continue to reach out to various faith communities.
I look forward to meeting you after weekend Masses or in the parish office or rectory. Please refer to the parish calendar for events at the parish, and the bulletin and our Facebook page for events that go even beyond our borders. Know that I pray for you daily in the Mass, Daily Eucharistic Adoration at my personal chapel, Liturgy of the Hours, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and the Holy Rosary. May the Almighty God bless you richly and love you dearly!
Devotedly yours in Our Risen Lord,
Fr. Nilo Macapinlac, parish priest
St. Stephen the King of Hungary Catholic Church is a beautiful parish, vibrant and rich in religious-cultural heritage. We gladly serve your spiritual-pastoral needs through the Sacraments, Liturgy, prayer services and the mission which is passionately promoting social justice and charity in building up the Kingdom of God. We strive to be witnesses of the Gospel and Christ’s ambassadors in our challenging world.
If you are Catholic who live in the area, you are already one of the many "sheep" of this flock, and are entitled to the pastoral care of your priest. It is my vocation and great privilege to bring you closer to Jesus, particularly through the sacraments, blessings, family celebrations, reconciliation and spiritual guidance. Feel free to reach out to me whenever you need as I continue to reach out to various faith communities.
I look forward to meeting you after weekend Masses or in the parish office or rectory. Please refer to the parish calendar for events at the parish, and the bulletin and our Facebook page for events that go even beyond our borders. Know that I pray for you daily in the Mass, Daily Eucharistic Adoration at my personal chapel, Liturgy of the Hours, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and the Holy Rosary. May the Almighty God bless you richly and love you dearly!
Devotedly yours in Our Risen Lord,
Fr. Nilo Macapinlac, parish priest